Improve Your Play in the Middle Game
Khaled Alaghawani

To improve your play in the middle game, here are some points to consider: 1. Study historical games: Study famous historical games played by grandmasters in the world of chess....


Chess Risks and How to Enjoy Playing Safely

Chess Risks and How to Enjoy Playing Safely

Khaled Alaghawani By Khaled Alaghawani

Chess, a historical strategic game, enjoys widespread popularity around the world. It is considered an exciting mental challenge that helps develop strategic thinking and planning...

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Teaching Chess in Schools “Benefits and Bright Prospects”

Teaching Chess in Schools “Benefits and Bright Prospects”

Khaled Alaghawani By Khaled Alaghawani

Introducing chess education in schools is an innovative idea that deserves attention, as it encompasses numerous benefits and has garnered significant support and acclaim from...

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Optimizing Chess Training - Balancing Daily Practice and Weekend Play

Optimizing Chess Training - Balancing Daily Practice and Weekend Play

Khaled Alaghawani By Khaled Alaghawani

If the player wants to improve chess playing skills at a faster rate, daily training may be the better option. Practicing chess daily allows the...

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Chess Benefits for Seniors

Chess Benefits for Seniors

Khaled Alaghawani By Khaled Alaghawani

Chess is a game known for its strategic complexity and intellectual challenge, offers numerous benefits, particularly for seniors. Across generations, chess has gained recognition as...

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Improve Your Play in the Middle Game

Improve Your Play in the Middle Game

Khaled Alaghawani By Khaled Alaghawani

To improve your play in the middle game, here are some points to consider: 1. Study historical games: Study famous historical games played by grandmasters...

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Improve the Endgame Skills

Improve the Endgame Skills

Khaled Alaghawani By Khaled Alaghawani

A chess player who wishes to improve his endgame skills can follow the following tips: 1. Study endgames: Endgames are a crucial stage in chess,...

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Mitigate Chess Mistakes

Mitigate Chess Mistakes

Khaled Alaghawani By Khaled Alaghawani

Here are some tips to mitigate chess mistakes, increase confidence after making errors, and make the most out of them:1. Analyze your mistakes: After each...

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Best Chess Data Bases:

Best Chess Data Bases:

Khaled Alaghawani By Khaled Alaghawani

1. ChessBase: is one of the most well-known and widely used chess databases. It offers a vast collection of high-quality games, along with powerful...

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Know Your Opponent Through Their Chess Playing Style

Know Your Opponent Through Their Chess Playing Style

Khaled Alaghawani By Khaled Alaghawani

The personality of a chess player can be somewhat discerned through an analysis of their playing style and approach. Chess is not merely a pure...

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