Elegant Metal Chess Set

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"Exquisite Design for Professional Players"

Presentation: Introducing our Luxury Metal Chess Set, a masterpiece that combines elegance and functionality. With its chrome-plated British Knight Army and black marble pattern board, this set is a symbol of sophistication. Crafted with high-quality wood and porcelain, each chess piece is meticulously designed to reflect the highest standards of craftsmanship. The king stands tall at 7 cm, showcasing its regal presence on the 33 cm x 33 cm board. Whether you're a professional player or an avid chess enthusiast, this set is perfect for challenging opponents and enhancing your strategic skills. Each set includes 32 chess figures and a single chess board, ensuring a complete and immersive chess experience. Elevate your game with our Luxury Metal Chess Set, a gift that exudes prestige and refinement.



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